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Ambiguous Architecture

© Shivani Katiyar


Architecture is an adventure. It doesn’t have any single obvious meaning however it is open to more than one interpretation and capable of being understood in many possible senses, which makes it an ambiguous discipline. Looking at it through the lens of metaphysics calls attention to instigating hardly ever-asked questions, like

  • Is it some kind of art form or a branch of science?

  • What is the inception of architecture?

  • Why even now everything is parallelepiped?

  • Why do only a few architects dare to switch from box to sphere?

  • What is considered architecture- a cycle stand, a bus shelter, a Garage, a whole town, a pathway, a column?

  • Why is it still considered a male-oriented profession?

There are so many debate-worthy topics in this area of expertise.

The essence of Architecture surpasses the amalgamation of engineering and art. The vibe of space can orchestrate peoples’ emotions up to few degrees. From the beginning of civilization, whether in the form of hanging gardens or Egyptian pyramids, architecture was a means of representing human dreams, hopes, and fears in three solid dimensions. Architecture always has a humane dimension – it should touch the spirit, it should be uplifting, and it should express the age in which it was created. Additionally, a building has to react with its micro and macro climate, the topography just like a type of canvas affects the appearance of the painting.

Area of fenestration is kept large in houses to keep the space lively while in prison cells, it is kept minimal to cut off the connection of person from the outer world.
Representation of countries from the building they own.


The functioning of architecture fits into the template of what a language is comprised. Architecture is an entire language in itself and has its lexicon. Architectural grammar has a set of rules for guiding proper assemblage of parts and orientation, relation, and a combination of whole architectural objects. That is the reason most architects have developed their style of work and that paradigm can be seen in their projects as well, while others may adopt elements of different styles for individual projects. Architecture strictly follows some set standards to achieve desired results, be it any Local Development Authority to respond with the city development or newly introduced green ratings such as LEED, GRIHA, ESTIDAMA, etc to achieve zero energy rating which makes it a disciplined. The more someone tries to understand architecture, the richer a walk through any town or city becomes. It varies with places changing geographically and religious beliefs as vocabulary and writing style change.

Signature style of famous architects around the world.


Viewing architectural elements through the lens of gender divides them into categories of masculine, feminine, and neutral.

Buildings of various religions.
Table showing differences between various cultures by the way they perceive architecture.

Ancient historians have compared the Doric order with masculine proportions as it looks robust and the Ionic order representing the feminine because it looks delicate.

Greek orders and their gender.

Another perspective is that the concept stage in architecture is like a baby in the fetus and it matures over a course of time when added with nutrition. A design becomes pregnant with a sketch drawn on paper and is conceived at the time of execution. Also, a building has to care like a mother for its user.

Comparison of the whole design process of building with the pregnancy of a mother.

One more outlook is that the surface of a building has the same use what the clothes have fora human body, sometimes its purpose is to protect from extreme weather conditions while sometimes it is just for the aesthetical purpose.

The surface of a building is what clothes to the naked body.


Metaphors are used in the designing process are often inspired by nature around. Biological organisms can be seen as embodying technologies that are equivalent to those invented by humans, and in many cases have solved the same problems with a far greater economy of means. While the fascination with nature undoubtedly goes back as long as human existence itself, now we can revisit the advances in biology with the massive advantages of expanding scientific knowledge, previously unimaginable digital design tools, and aesthetic sensibilities that are less constrained by stylistic convention. When one sees some of the extraordinary adaptations that have evolved in natural organisms, it is hard not to feel a sense of humility about how much we still have to learn.

Beijing’s stadium inspired by bird’s nest.
Tensile structures inspired by a spider web.



They both represent ancestral disciplines that seek to create spaces for well-being in harmony with the environment, nature, and the cosmos. Both are arts-related to metaphysics. They combine a visible, material, and tangible part with an invisible, and an intangible part that cannot be seen or touched but felt. Both organize the spaces following certain energy flows. The two systems offer mitigation and adaptation action to harmonize the energy of the spaces, correct problems of energy flows as well as recommendations regarding decoration and better distribution of space.

Vastu is based on the science of the Vedas while Feng Shui is based on the observation of the effects of a site’s energy on human beings. For example, Feng Shui promotes the use of the color red because it represents prosperity and good luck but for a Western, that color is a sign of danger and transmits stress. While Vastu states that the North orientation is very good for prosperity and finances, Feng Shui considers it as any other of the 8 cardinal orientations. According to Vastu, the 5 basic main elements in nature are earth, water, fire, air, and ether. However, for Feng Shui, the elements for the cycles of creation, control, and destruction are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Typical Feng Shui chart of 8 cardinals
Typical Vastu purush mandal Diagram.


Theories and concepts have influenced the course of architecture. Throughout history, proportioning systems have been used to create an aesthetic rationale that enhances the beauty of a building. Some common proportioning systems include:

Golden Section, Golden Rectangle,Le Corbusier's Modular Theory, Ken Theory, Anthropometric Theory, Scale, etc.

Renaissance architects believed that architecture was mathematics translated into spatial units. Scale is the deciding factor whether it will be considered vast or not. In architecture, as such, to design is to establish the anthropometric distance between the human body and objects.There is a divine connection between the human body and architecture- impacting not only occupant’sbehavior through the body, but also impacting occupants intellectually, emotionally, physiologically, and even spiritually through the body as well.

Ratios and proportions in architecture are what musical notes to a music composer.


Architecture Is More Than Just shelter.

We can build very quickly today and it would be easy to smother the planet in cheap and characterless buildings and to an extent, this is happening but architecture is driven by dreams as much as by everyday concerns. Architecture cannot be hurried. We could find a moment to stop and look up at a fine building, we see clearly just why architecture matters: it is our own human spirit, willed into stone and space. Since design is ageless therefore paradigm of the same concept can be seen throughout human existence. However, we choose to build in the future, and whatever our concerns about the environment, architecture will continue to play its role. Architecture is unlike other fields, it doesn’t require any formal set up to be understood, one just needs to roam around the city and discover the surroundings, and form inference from what one has encountered. Architecture is like an open life-size exhibition where everything is already out there on display and enduring.

Similarities between Stonehenge and Marina Sands Bay & Similarities between Egypt pyramids and The Louvre pyramid.



She is a young budding architect and is an Indian citizen. She is passionate about learning and trying new things. Her interest in work leans towards zero energy buildings and sustainable practices. Her goal is to spread more and more awareness around the globe about climate change and global warming through architecture, additionally what measures a common person can take to protect the environment.


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