© Vimal patel, Dilip revar
Archasm is proud to announce the results for ''Home: Design your Dream” architecture competition. The competition received 245 registrations from all over the world with some extraordinary proposals.
The aim of the competition was to manifest into reality the idea of your dreams, and create a house based on it. The competition aimed to create a pure and highly imaginative expression of a home that will have a degree of surrealism to it. The competition encouraged participants to exercise maximum freedom while penning to paper their abstract thoughts and wild ideas for their ‘house of dreams’. There were no restrictions on the type, size, & setting of the house. The participants could have proposed a single-family home, multifamily house, pop-up houses, adaptable structures, temporary living experiences or any kind of idea that fits their narrative. Designers may have proposed any geographical location for their home design but should be able to connect their proposal to the site/area they choose in a rational way.
First Prize: Vimal patel, Dilip revar
The Sunken House
A HOUSE in its most basic form provides shelter and protection from climatic forces and imparts a sense of security. The idea of sunken house is derived from the very primitive form of shelter – a cave.
The cave, principally being a void in earth mass, has no particular external identity. The internal spatial characters of a cave in present context direct the design towards continuous flowing spaces, large volumes, monolithic structure, seamless materials, juxtaposition of open and closed spaces and most notably, the play of light.
Developing on these fundamental characters, the house is sunken into the earth mass, taking a minimal approach to design and discarding all external and internal superfluous elements. The clutter-free spaces of the house offer a heightened experience of simplicity, calmness and harmony.
A corten steel conical skylight, jutting above the ground, marks the existence of sunken house. A stairway along the edge of void leads to bedroom at mezzanine level and living spaces below, lit by the skylight on top and open courtyards on the North.
Open plan layout and blurred boundaries between the courtyards and living spaces highlight the seamless character of space. Expressing the monolithic character of the house, the core structure and finishes are one and the same, being exposed pigmented concrete used in different textures for horizontal (floor) and vertical (walls) planes. Openable concrete walls at mezzanine level and full height glass openings in living spaces bring in ample diffused light to enhance the winter wheat hues of materials that compliments landscape of the proposed site. The earth mass around the house and earth air tunnel system allow for thermal comfort in hot and dry climate.
This prototype can be adapted to different programmatic scenarios like resort, weekend homes and schools in hot-dry climatic region or for architectural intervention on sensitive sites without overwhelming presence of a physical form.
Second Prize: Triantafyllia Rafaela Kalaitzoglou
This house is located in a tiny no-name island in the middle of the sea. Considering that the idea that “change” is a basic element of the human personality, the concept includes the proposal of a building that can change its own form and ambience, as long as the needs, the thoughts and the mood of its users change during the day or during their lifetime.
The idea of the building as well as its form and transformation are paralleled with the human’s substance, his intake procedure, his relationships his behaviors and his need to transform, on a figurative way. This design emphasizes the procedure and the notion of “change”, independently of time and space. The siting of the house, in the middle of the sea, is an analogy and a focus to the human’s self.
The building is a system of four units that are moving on a specific way changing their spatial dispositions and creating a variety of space combinations. Each unit has a particular form connected with the basic geometrical solids that reflect various aspects of the human substance, mentality and materiality. The interior configuration of the units is meant to cover all the humans needs and desires and to host all of his pleasures!
The system can be transformed changing its spatial disposition on the surface of a specially configured platform, that includes rails, designed according to the system’s movements.
When the units change their relevant position, three formats with particular spatial combinations are generating. So various compositional versions, spatial limitations and accesses are producing to the building. Those tangible transformations create different conditions, space qualities and a variety of atmospheres.
This movement reminds us of the clock’s gnomon rotation that is rotating on a indefinite rhythm which is determined only by the user. Only in this way, the time is determined on this island.
Finally, a peripheral route, surrounds the house plot. Hanging flowing fabrics “smooth” the visual transition between the house-life and the vast sea and creates a playful adventure for the user.
The in and out of himself!
Third Prize: Aditi gupta, Mayank Nigam
HOME: DESIGN YOUR DREAM the title itself spoke about idea of expressing “Dreams” in an Architectural Language but it doesn’t seem as simple as it is because “Dreams” varies so the architectural form also. So, a strong background will be needed for the Intervention.
As a result of it, traces of childhood become memories as we grow up, but to live those memories again becomes “DREAMS” and manifesting the same idea in built form is the main ideology behind “DREAM HOME”. Back to the lane of childhood where we all love to enjoy “PLAYING” whether we are out in park or in our home, Being a child we all love to go on “SLIDES” and enjoying the ever ending experience of “climbing and sliding”, while we are inside we all must have created our very own dream home “BLANKET FORT HOUSE” through our imagination using blankets and temporary stuffs. “ARCHIVE HOME” is a manifestation / collection of those childhood memories and tried to develop a “HOME” which is based on those memories because those memories ultimately become dreams as we grow up.
A “Playing” typology is developed, which is designed around a courtyard, representing a rhythmic composition of an open and protected space, the open spaces are enclosed using “Blankets” which ultimately allows the house to develop its own inside and outside feeling, it becomes an enlargement of the protected spaces in according to user experience. All protected spaces are connected through a series of staircases which ultimately enter in courtyard using slide and spaces are arranged at mid-landing levels of staircase.
Enclosing volumes using blankets allows a seamless correlation between inside and outside and allows the environment to flow within the built which ultimately develops its own microcosm. The continuity between the open and protected spaces are often breached using “Rope Forged” nets to develop a playing feature. Overall structure encompasses two main design elements i.e.; “SLIDE” a playing feature and a DIY typology that is a hand on its own activity built using bamboo and wood.
All that is developed is not only clean and minimal but also adaptable to different scenarios as user needs and even scalable for user experience if needed to change.
“Archive home” is a manifestation of Memories.

©Vimal patel, Dilip revar

©Vimal patel, Dilip revar

©Vimal patel, Dilip revar

©Vimal patel, Dilip revar

©Triantafyllia Rafaela Kalaitzoglou

©Triantafyllia Rafaela Kalaitzoglou

©Triantafyllia Rafaela Kalaitzoglou

©Triantafyllia Rafaela Kalaitzoglou

© Aditi gupta, Mayank Nigam

© Aditi gupta, Mayank Nigam

© Aditi gupta, Mayank Nigam

© Aditi gupta, Mayank Nigam
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