Bauhaus in Furniture Design
Jonathan Bartlett, Meghan Andrews & Mari Vicente

© Jonathan Bartlett, Meghan Andrews & Mari Vicente

© Jonathan Bartlett, Meghan Andrews & Mari Vicente

© Jonathan Bartlett, Meghan Andrews & Mari Vicente

© Jonathan Bartlett, Meghan Andrews & Mari Vicente
Following the tradition of the Bauhaus movement, this concept for a new bed design is inspired by simple geometric shapes and a philosophy of minimalism, accented by a limited array of fundamental colors. It hovers above the ground, with the back connected to a wall. This provides easy access to storage space below while decreasing the amount of required materials for construction. The bed itself maintains the dimensions of a typical queen size, accompanied by a headboard composed by rectilinear and curved shapes that add contrast to the design.
An important aspect of the headboard design is the functionality and versatility of it. Since the headboard is composed of several shapes, it will allow experimentation with the incorporation of different storage shelves or cabinets. The initial design includes multiple shelves to the right and cabinets or drawers to the left. The middle of the headboard will remain bare to contrast the side storage. This is inspired by the works of Josef Albers, a Bauhaus artist who incorporates simple geometric shapes and curves into studies which can be connected by patterns that are organizational, and yet retain an abstract nature.
A wooden frame that connects to the wall is used to support some of its mass, which allows the bed to “float” over the floor. This was inspired by the cantilevered chair created by Bauhaus designer Mart Stam. The design Stam engineered was a chair without back legs seemingly based on two cubes stacked on top of one another. His final design obtains curved, steel tubes that create the frame, giving the chair a very non-rigid, yet simplistic appearance. Like the cantilevered chair, the bed design mentioned above also utilizes a set of curved, steel tubes around the bed, which support the frame. These stretch from the back of the bed to the front, hugging its respected, restricting plain. At the front the bar connects in the curve which is not mirrored in the back that is left opened, creating an elongated c-shape. The bar is _at, tying ideas of curves with rectangular shapes
found elsewhere in the design.
The piece is composed of many geometric patterns and shapes repeating and overlapping in unique patterns, with a heavy focus on variations of the primary colors and the secondary color of green. Much of the inspiration of this design originates from several works by Bauhaus artist Wassily Kandinsky. His designs appear to have repetitive elements that carry on in each of his works. These elements notably include Euclidean shapes that are simplistic in nature, but once they are placed within close proximity to one