Airborn City - The City In Upper World
Shashirekha Ramanathan

© Shashirekha Ramanathan

© Shashirekha Ramanathan

© Shashirekha Ramanathan
Global warming and overpopulation are affecting the environment with many hazards, like an increase in water levels, and limited resources. A smart solution to this situation is the floating or the flying architecture.
concept- The idea is situated in a forest. Form and structure inspired from hot air balloon. In the future, we won't destroy any nature or forests. The design has three layers. The idea of a model of wings is laid out in a grid as the first layer. This layer is for maintaining or controlling the air. In order to keep the oxygen level for space constant, the second layer is connected to nature. The third layer is the primary internal layer of the house. The road is higher than the woodland.
Functions and materials:
• we have use of the hydraulic lift. Typically, we have access to a flying car or drone vehicle. Buildings in the neighborhood were interconnecting. and in future transportation studies. The flying vehicle and hyperloop are in development.
• The corners or square spaces are vulnerable to strong pressure. so that the hot air balloon concept's mixed curve space is utilized.
• To protect the module from strong wind pressure, the grid layer is built of steel and aluminium. High wind pressure always makes the enclosed space uncontrollable.
• The outside ring of the home which is consider as parking with automatic magnetic field which is act as attaching the vehicle while the vehicle is on the magnetic field sensor works so that other vehicles not affected by the magnetic field. And the automatic magnetic field wave is not works above the parapet area. The parapet is both equipped with a dedicated parking pad for flying vehicles.
• The upper-level features 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a dressing area. The living, kitchen, and dining areas are on the second floor. The third story comprises a bedroom and living room. At the center spiral staircase has placed to reach the next level.
• While the green hollow boxes maintain humidity, air pressure, and quality, the biophilic layer is used to maintain oxygen levels for the interior spaces. Additionally, by conserving rainwater, it promotes sustainable construction.
Design solutions:
• Plenty of access to natural light.
• 100% effective natural ventilation.
• Improved accessibility features that exceed current standards.
• Facilities that support sustainable and active transport.
• Biophilic layer for the sustainable